- Degrassi: Next Class follows the lives of the students from Degrassi Community School, a fictional high school in Toronto. It is the fifth series in the Degrassi franchise. The series covers issues such as mental illness, homophobia, racism, drug use, feminism, sexuality, religion, life threatening diseases, online har…
- 一名17岁的少女在她计划自杀的当晚被绑架,她必须为活下去而战斗。她设法说服袭击者放过她,在经过26小时后等来了生机。但当她回家时,除了一名怀疑凶手为连环杀手的侦探外,没有人相信她的故事。 影片改编自可怕的真实事件。 ©豆瓣