- Compilation of various documentary/newsreels about events in Latvia starting with 1910 visit of tzar Nicholas II, German military forces occupying Riga in 1917 (when Latvia was not yet established as legal country) and continuing with excerpts form later years.
- A group of white trash rednecks toy with their victims by giving them a 10 second head-start before they hunt them down.
- Whenahighschoolseniorfindsoutfromherparentsthatshehastomissthetown'swinterdancetoattendChristmasEveserviceatchurch,shesuccessfullywishestheirfaithaway,bringingdisastrousconsequencestoherfamilyandcommunity.Torestoretheirfaith,sheisledthroughaseriesofChristmasadventuresthatchangeherheartandthosearoundher.