- A police profiler (Mark Thompson) has just returned from psychiatric leave only to find that he is caught up in a serial killer's rampage. Fighting to keep buried the trauma of his childhood, he must confront the all too-familiar flesh masks that the killer leaves on the faces of his victims. He must face his own demon…
- OPB's documentry of Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence by Andrew Goldberg.sonychen 注
- 一天到晚做着千奇百怪的梦的阿寅,又在想象自己成了天外来客。梦醒过后,刚刚回家,就和人打起架来,气得刚出院的叔叔差点犯了病。阿寅一气之下又离开家,路上在一个小村子落了脚,结识了因失恋正在痛苦中的小伙子。小伙子听从了阿寅的规劝,并来到东京阿寅家散心。在欣赏歌舞剧时,他们被红奈奈子的精湛演技所倾倒。阿寅对奈奈子产生了爱慕之情…