- 本片是BBC制作的Horizon(地平线)系列纪录片之一,《地平线》是英国广播公司(BBC)最经典的科教系列之一。 本片以实地采访、专家分析、模拟再现等方式还原了马来西亚航空370号班机失踪的全过程,以及海事卫星科技手段在搜寻过程中起到的巨大作用;是迄今为止最好的马航370事件纪录片之一。
- TessandLoganarebacksolvingmysteriesasanoldfriendofTess’sisfounddeadjustbeforehewasgoingtoproposetohisgirlfriend.Codes,cyphers,andcrosswordpuzzlesalllendahandatfindingthekillerasTessandLogantrytofindawaytoworktogethertodeciphertheclues.
- 一棟のマンション上下に住む住民たちの間で巻き起こるトラブルを描くサスペンスストーリー。台本の一部を出演者陣が即興で演じていくインプロビゼーション(=即興劇)が採用され、スマホの画角を意識した上下2分割の映像構成になっている。
- A Cuban-American director travels to his exiled parents' homeland to mount a stage production of the musical, RENT, where he discovers an inspiring artistic family and embarks on a personal journey to reclaim his complicated heritage.
- Set in Oulton, Leeds, a former coal-mining community in which over 60 houses still stand, Hanging On spotlights the strength of a neighborhood that unites when faced with eviction. Originally made as temporary council housing, these homes were later sold onto private investors. Now, demolition is being threatened, an a…
- In 2014, director Richard Linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows the same individual over 20 years, living in one of the most dangerous countries in …