- 《最血腥的韩国暴力电影》A horrifying series of murders, committed by a teenaged killer in 1968, prompted a group of filmmakers to chart his path, capturing the things he might have seen before committing his crimes. Their result is this provocati…
- CoryMathis(LesStroud),arespectedcollegeprofessor,claimsamythicalforestcreaturekilledhiswifetransforminghimintoamanhauntedbyobsessionandrevenge.HepartnersupwithlegendaryBigFoothunterFranAndersen(StacyBrownJr.)whoisouttocollecttheNatGeo10milliondollarbountyforcaptureofthecreature.Unfortunately,by-the-bookforestranger,Bil…
- The story centers on a religiously conservative, married southern woman who receives a message from God instructing her to act as a surrogate mother and carry a child for two married gay men who live in Boston - a Jewish doctor and and African-American dance choreographer. All Hell breaks loose when the African America…
- 繁华奢靡的大都市,纸醉金迷之夜,纽约的一切都迥异于赌城和迈阿密。这座繁华的超大城市究竟是文明进步的典范还是犯罪滋生的根源?是每日里快节奏的生活疏远了人与人的距离,还是害怕袒露内心的深情却引发出重重伤害?是冷漠计较占据上风,还是友善宽容更高一筹?前者是无数犯罪的根源,后者却是人类进步的希望。本季CSINY篇将继续前四季的故事…