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  • 电影生活
    二十世纪六十年代初的香港,刘先生(张国柱 饰)本是一名作家,但“时运不济”不得不靠撰写不入流的武侠小说、色情小说来维持生活,现实与刘先生曾经所追求的人生大相径庭。生活的不得已让刘先生沮丧,以至于日日夜夜买醉而归,试图麻醉自己逃避现实。年纪虽不小,刘先生却依旧浮萍一般没有定性,到处搬家。起初,在他租住那间小屋碰到了仅仅十…
  • This diaristic documentary follows Sokly Ny, an under-priveledged and under-represented immigrant minority student, through his final year of high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ny, A.K.A. Don Bonus, provides commentary on his life, recounting the difficulty and triumph of his everyday experience. The drama buil…
  • 电影
    Whilst growing up in rural Thailand, a young orphan girl is taught the ways of magic by her grandmother. But when grandmother falls sick, Dau is lured to Bangkok to find work so that she can buy medicine. She finds herself working in a go-go bar, and her journey from naiveté to maturity is swift. She uses the magical s…
  • 丈夫死后,阿尔蒂(瑞哈 Rekha 饰)带着孩子们回到了富有的父亲身边,开始了新的生活,好景不长,父亲的死让阿尔蒂再度陷入到了悲伤之中。佣人眼馋阿尔蒂继承的大笔遗产,他找来了自己的外甥桑杰(卡伯·贝迪 Kabir Bedi 饰),让他勾引单纯善良的阿尔蒂。事情的发展正如佣人所愿,阿尔蒂爱上了桑杰,两人结了婚。婚后,桑杰将再无用处的阿尔蒂…
  • 电影动作
    雷霆(刘牧 饰)是一名曾在国外担任私人保镖的退伍军人。当他得知自己的儿子雷欧(赵启航 饰)被国外黑帮引诱成为狩猎游戏的牺牲品之后,他毅然决定与两位好友一同装备精良,进入陌生的密林中。在这片陌生而危险的土地上,他们经历了一系列搏斗,以救回儿子的同时,自己的好友却成为了人质。面对扭转打斗现场的困境,雷霆愿意以自己的生命来换取…