- The story unfolds the day after the assault and revolves around three characters (the victim, the attacker and the female police officer with whom the victim pressed charges), who have to face the repercussions of this night that changed all three of them.
- A young circus performer, stuck under the harsh rules of her father and community expectations, finds herself captivated by small-town America, forcing her to question everything.
- Audrey, a New York City comedian who can make a joke of any situation, faces a staggering challenge in the beautiful mountains of Oregon. Can this city woman overcome her fears and rise?
- In a river in the south of Chile, fish are dying due to pollution from the nearby cellulose factory. Amid their floating bodies, long-deceased Magdalena bubbles up to the surface gasping for air, bringing with her old wounds and a wave of family secrets. The shocking sight of Magdalena sends her widowed husband into tu…
- The 2020 corona lockdown interrupts work on a Cottbus State Theatre production about German attitudes towards forests. The team makes an unusual decision: they let themselves be locked in the theatre in order, whilst trapped in this „bubble“, to finish work on “Der Wald” and stream it online. A crew is sent is to docum…