- Set against an urban backdrop, "Badmaash" is a romantic thriller about Vijay, an intelligent, playful and witty lad and Priya, an RJ and a fiercely passionate Kannadiga who tries to teach Kannada and Indian culture to Non-Indians through street plays and theatrical plays. Right from their first encounter, Vij…
- Kalidasan (Lal) is a chronic bachelor working in the state Archaeological department and is a foodie. His only companion is his cook cum confidant Babu (Baburaj). Manu Raghav (Asif Ali) is Kalidasan's nephew and he comes to his uncle's place, while searching for a job. Kalidasan's boring life gets an altogether differe…
- A man, living in a humble apartment with his young wife, accidentally pushes her and kills her. The guy is panic-stricken, and first he tries to hide the body, putting it in the trunk of his car, then he realizes she's "some way" alive , and she even helps him to kill a cop... or is it just his sick imaginati…