禅那因杀人罪被判处绞刑。在他生命中的最后一个夜晚,他回顾自己短暂的人生,在梦中拷问自己的朋友、父亲和老师,最终意识到自已的命运是由自己书写,走到今日责任完全在自己。在行刑前,禅那与监狱警官还就死刑存在的正当性进行了最后的辩论。Channa the protagonist is a murder accused who has been sentenced to d…
Dan Kashwood, the Hall Monitor of Rocky Mountain High School, maintains law and order with force and a .44 Magnum. When a murderer is killing off the football team one by one, it's up to Dan to investigate the mystery.