搜索 Abbott

  • 电影游戏
    一名电玩设计师的住家附近发生了一连串的命案 患有创伤后压力症候群的她必须面对自己的心魔,否则恐将成为另一个凶案的亡魂...
  • 电影
    High school outcast Taylah joins her inner-city cousin Maeve to snare the spotlight at Dunburn's annual debutante ball from jocks and cool girls.
  • 深夜时份,性感撩人的珠宝大盗歌拉,突然接获毕生中最贴身的危险任务。艺术收藏家史洛杜斯博士委托她前往世界上三个最神秘的国度–阿拉伯、非洲及西藏,分别盗取三个稀有的子宫性物,以防止男性野心家独占创造生命的力量……紧随着歌拉的还有美艳摧命的特务,娜达莎,歌拉须身历重重考验,穿越热辣辣的阿拉伯沙漠,森野野的非洲丛林及春光遍险峰…
  • Mark Halliday takes his wife to an art gallery, to show her a painting he has purchased for their first anniversary. But instead of the painting he had seen, he is given a portrait of his first wife Jocelyn, who disappeared five years ago. Both he and his new wife are shocked and upset, so Halliday shows the portrait t…
  • 不管这导演嗑了什么很纯的,全部都要给你来一点!在澳洲这座曾经被称作「无主之地」(Terra Nullius)的大陆,历史以前所未见的观点重新诠释:当《疯狂麦斯》末日场景成为难民拘留地,食人羊成为反殖民叛乱份子,《沙漠妖姬》与电视剧《请喜欢我》有了跨时空的酷儿对话……本片以近似DJ取样混音之拼贴手法,打开了虚构与史实间的神秘黑洞,大量…
  • The dark, psychological drama "The Girl in the Bathtub" is inspired by the true story of Julia Law (Caitlin Stasey), a young paralegal struggling with issues of addiction, found dead in her boss’s bathtub in Philadelphia just shy of her 27th birthday. Her boss, a prominent Philadelphia lawyer (played by Jason…
  • 兩對年輕情侶一同開車出遊,卻在途中意外撞上一名軍人,車子因此拋錨故障了。他們只好徒步來到最鄰近的小鎮,然而這個小鎮的人卻活像在八零年代,更詭異的是,這個小鎮的新生兒都在出生那天夭折。隨著夜晚降臨,這裡的怪事卻越來越多,鎮上唯一的醫生堅持認識蕾根,並堅稱她名叫作莎拉布萊克。蕾根三年前因為意外失去的記憶,卻好像漸漸恢復,她…
  • 电影剧情
    艾利(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 饰)和查理(华金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)是一对杀手兄弟,某日,他们接到了一项任务,去暗杀一名淘金者。于是,两个男人火速从俄勒冈前往旧金山,一路上,两个人遇到的麻烦可不少,但他们凭借着智慧和勇气将它们一一化解,最终安全的抵达了目的地。当他们见到了他们的目标时才发现,这个名叫沃姆(…
  • The PHD Movie 2 looks at themes of competition in research, writer's block, and finding your voice. The Nameless Grad Student is now an integral part of Prof. Smith's Lab. However, the lab is in peril as research funding levels are at an all-time low. The group must travel to an important academic conference and square…
  • A rowdy, womanizing merchant mariner, leader of an eccentric crew of misfits and drunks, is almost killed by a Japanese torpedo strike. The brush with death seems to make him even more reckless. In San Francisco, he clashes with a sophisticated, cold librarian, but hangs around because of his attraction to her much liv…