- April, 1986. Pripyat, Ukraine. A core meltdown occurred at Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Power Plant. Over thirty people died during the blast but the estimated death toll as a result of the radiation fallout will reach a four-digit number. This accident will be considered the world's largest ecological disaster. Set …
- 世家子弟江枫(苗乔伟饰)和移花宫的花月奴(戚美珍饰)私奔,二人皆被因爱成恨的移花宫主邀月(陈美琪饰)杀害。花月奴在路上诞下一对双胞胎,邀月为了报复江枫,决定把这对双胞胎分开抚养,企图令亲兄弟长大后自相残杀。两兄弟长大成人,花无缺(吴岱融饰)在移花宫中被邀月授予超凡武功,小鱼儿(梁朝伟饰)则在恶人谷中长大,从恶人身上不仅…
- Wine is not just wine. It is a job and a passion that never ends. Wine is socialising and opening up the senses. And wine is evolving, becoming biodynamic and is now making its entrance into the vast Asian market. ‘Terroir to Table’ is a journey out to vineyards, down wine cellars and into expensive gastronomic kitchen…