搜索 Abou

  • Jay-Z、50 Cent、吹牛老爹、Dr.Dre,这四位背景不同、理念各异的嘻哈歌手,从单纯探索嘻哈的文化形式,到逐步组建团队、建立属于自己的商业帝国——为大品牌代言、与大厂牌合作、开辟个人的商业品牌,并凭借这些金钱带来的商业影响力,挑起了自己的社会担当。金钱带来权力,而权力越大,责任也越大……4位嘻哈巨星,4种命运,谁会成为美国嘻哈界…
  • 故事发生在风景美丽宁静的摩洛哥村庄塔泽卡之中,在这里,伊利亚(奥利维耶·西特吕克 Olivier Sitruk 饰)和奶奶过着相依为命的生活。伊利亚最大的兴趣爱好就是烹饪和背食谱,在奶奶的教导下,他几乎精通的每一种摩洛哥料理。伊利亚对美食的热情和天赋感染了一位偶然经过的法国大厨,在大厨的建议下,伊利亚决定前往美食之都巴黎去闯一闯。就这…
  • 电影爱情
  • 电影喜剧
    风起云涌的20世纪70年代,英语系学生矢野布美子(石原里美 饰)受聘于大学副教授片濑信太郎(井浦新 饰),担当起英语文学翻译的助手。片濑的妻子雛子(田中丽奈 饰)仪态端庄,千娇百媚,曾是出身某个子爵家庭的大小姐。小布受到片濑夫妇的喜爱,但是这对夫妇颇显怪异的相处方式也让她倍为不安。雛子同时与片濑的学生以及少女时代的故交交往,…
  • Punk/New Wave mad scientists Devo were among the few bands to understand the music video's potential as art form during its infancy in the eighties. Their brilliant and bizarre videos were compiled on VHS and then on laser disc; that long out-of-print disc, The Complete Truth About De-Evolution, has finally arrived on …
  • A minor celebrity and her husband head out on the road to investigate the most haunted house in America for their very own reality show, but upon arriving at the Devil's Commune things become worse than they could have ever imagined. They wanted fame, they found HELL.
  • 'I Have a Bad Feeling About This', follows the exploits of Andy and Sam, two Star Wars obsessed slackers in their early twenties living in the suburbs of Liverpool. Sam is leaving Andy to go to university, but before they part ways forever, the two must embark on an Adventure to find a pair of tickets to a one of showi…
  • Pierre (Cerone) and Amelie (Serena Monti) filming their sexual adventures. But then the the video cassette is taken by a model who later blackmails them for some sex games. But the couple seems to like these games.
  • A mother protects and cares for her sons while they’re little, and then as well in later life.