搜索 Abraham

  • 端柱是一鳏居富商的独苗,一次老父开车带他外出,谁料途中突遭车祸,端柱被甩出车外,下落不明。老父经过医生的抢救,暂时脱离了危险。但是,端柱的失踪使他心急如焚。正当老父焦虑万分之际,端柱竟奇迹般的出现在他面前。原来,端柱当时被甩进了丛林当中,一只凶恶的豹子见势正欲猛扑上来。紧急关头,几头大象赶到救了小孩子的性命。老父嘱托小…
  • 电影冒险
  • 《女孩娜迪亚》讲述了一个六岁的罗姆女孩在生日那天向耶稣许下了一个难以实现的愿望的故事。
  • 结束了宇宙漫游,太空人回到地球讨生活。他打起领带,走进职业介绍所,央求办事员派给他「正常」的工作,然而太空人根深蒂固的无重力习惯,却一点也无法适应一般人的差事,无法融入的他,该如何继续地球人生?
  • Abraham&Sarah,theFilmMusical
  • In the third month of pregnancy, Federica finds out that the baby she's expecting doesn't share her DNA. She goes to the clinic where she underwent an In Vitro Fertilization treatment and they acknowledge they made a mistake by exchanging her embryo with another couple's. The clinic identifies the woman into whom they …
  • A.I. , Artificial Intelligence from the distant future visits Earth to eliminate all humans who have been harmful to all humans worldwide.
  • Kuttiyappan is an unmarried 40 something, who lives a careless life, loves to create one-night relationships with women.
  • The portrait of a traveling movie theater in India, which continues to bear the magic of the images to a stunned audience, is faced with technological, numerous and complex changes. A projector repairman narrates film changes with poetry, philosophy and pragmatism.