搜索 Abraham

  • 在两河流域的古国阿卡德,黑蝎子战士是最菁英的国王御前武士。阿沙是黑蝎子中的佼佼者,阿沙为了维护13岁的儿子玛沙亚斯,开罪了将军萨贡。掌握黑暗魔力的萨贡驱使毒蝎将阿沙杀害。玛沙亚斯怀着为父报仇的决心加入了黑蝎子行列。六年后,成为黑蝎子佼佼者的玛沙亚斯荣归故里,等待着他的却是仇人萨贡取代老王成为国主。萨贡为考验玛沙亚斯的忠诚…
  • A group of hobgoblins, who allow you to live out your fantasies but kill you in the process, escape from a studio vault, and a security guard and his friends must stop them before dawn.
  • 印度限制级电影《最毒美人心》讲述了风流倜傥的律师卡比被突如其来的富豪之妻索尼亚搅的神魂颠倒,而索尼亚更是欲擒故纵,用自己的美貌完全俘虏了卡比的心,就在他们勾搭的如火如荼之际,索尼亚的丈夫回来了,一夜,按捺不住寂寞的卡比闯如索尼亚的家,很快被她的丈夫发现,于是两人厮打起来,厮打中,卡比不慎将对方打死,并与索尼亚合谋将尸体…
  • F. Murray Abraham pays the rent by lending his Oscar winning credibility to this routine creature feature. As a mad scientist type he joins an obligatory ensemble of bickering students as they wander around a forest in Thailand until its time for the creature to turn up.
  • A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. They return to Earth in the year 2447. Complications ensue.
  • 《机器鸡》是一部对流行文化进行戏拟和恶搞的定格动画,片名源于制片人常去吃的一家中餐馆。《机器鸡》在2006和2007年连续荣获艾美奖,今年亦再次获得提名。本集是《星球大战》特辑,“星战之父”乔治卢卡斯本人亲自参与了配音。熟悉的人物,另类的视角,搞笑的对白,欢迎品尝风味独特的《机器鸡之星球大战特辑》!
  • “The inmates of an insane asylum take over the institution, imprison the doctors and staff, and then put into play their own ideas of how the place should be run.”
  • God, heaven, and several Old Testament stories, including the Creation and Noah's Ark, are described supposedly using the perspective of rural, black Americans.
  • 美丽的心理学学生丹妮尔(Alanna Chisholm 饰)为了从精神障碍的阴影中解脱出来,搬进了一座有上百年历史的老房子中居住。但事与愿违,她的情况非但没有好转,反而变本加厉。怪事接连发生,令丹妮而不胜其扰,她开始有意识调查这座房子的历史,发现这里竟是米兹崔克杀死“虐童狂人”克农(Adam Seybold 饰)的凶案现场……本片荣获2008年加…
  • 第一届Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards是1986年开始,由Toys "R" Us并驾齐驱的The Big Ballot开始。1999年,继续由The View利嘴主持人Rosie O'Donnell主持,美女Rachael Leigh Cook是焦点。sonychen 整理