- This documentary chronicles renaissance man Gordon Parks’ stellar career from staff photographer for LIFE magazine, through his artistic development photographing everyday Americans, through his evolution as a novelist and groundbreaking f…
- In 2019, a man named Naveen disappears from a memorial park in Sydney while traveling with his girlfriend Cathy. Having arrived in New York two years ago, Naveen finds a job at a restaurant and meets Cathy there. As their relationship deepens, Naveen′s lies become bolder. The man known as Naveen, or Sameer, cannot tell…
- Atroubledfamilytravelingcrosscountryarehighjackedbyadesperateman.Onlytodiscoverhe’srunningfromsomethingmoredangerousthanheis.
- Après avoir volé une console de jeux vidéos à des migrants, Sébastien tente de la revendre à Patrick, un gentil. Jusqu'ici, rien de bien méchant. Mais quand un rappeur tout juste sorti de prison, une présentatrice de télévision prête à …