- 2020年,网络对于如今人们的生活而言已经是不可或缺的一部分。但是,人类所不知道的是,在网络的另一面有着一个无限的世界——数码世界,以及居住在其中的数码兽……以首都圈为中心发生了大规模网络故障,乱闪的信号灯、乱码的室外屏幕……新闻上报道是网络恐怖袭击。故事的主人公是住在东京近郊高层公寓的小学五年级生八神太一。为了准备周末的…
- Steven Callahan gives a gripping first-hand account of his NYT bestselling novel "Adrift: 76 Days Lost At Sea." On the eve of February 4, 1982, in the middle of the night there was a loud boom as a whale collided with Steven's boat. Within minutes, his small craft was flooded with a rush of water. He grabbed …