搜索 Adal

  • Flashback story of an escape from the lonely, high-security Dartmoor Prison. A jealous barber's assistant is enraged by the attentions that his manicurist girlfriend pays to a customer. He threatens the customer with an open razor and lands in gaol.
  • Two couples live through attraction, distraction, sympathy, friendship, quarrel, jealousy, fidelity, and the Devil supervises it all by delivering solemn warnings in choice moments. A Creepy Mystery and a Morbid Sexy Story! This obscure movie tells about a man who has dedicated his life to look for the love, but the pe…
  • 一个秘密的戒备森严的高科技实验室遭到一位神秘剑客的偷袭,一盒有关遗传基因的录像带也不翼而飞,现场只留下了Kline教授的尸体和一个印有“Sakura”的大勋章。陆军上校The Colonel奉命安排Dennis和Sonny调查此事。而另一方面,录像带得主Ohtani正命令他的助手加速对录像带的解密工作。Dennis和Sonn不断遭到来自神秘忍者的偷袭,一次比一次危…
  • 女科学家发明了能改善梦境的药水,男科学家在一期漫画中看到了使用反重力手套的杰茜和两个夺取手套的人,妻子给男科学家注射了梦境药水。第二天醒来,梦境中的三人来到了现实世界,展开了一系列故事。
  • 电影
    Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in sea…
  • 一连串随意的蒙太奇画面讲述着两个年轻人发生在一个夏天的故事。奥索与玛丽两人发现彼此相爱。意识到这种感情后,他们一同奔向一个远离法国的隐秘的小岛躲起来,在那里没有人能打搅他们。直到奥索按捺不住自己的犯罪欲望,由此他受这种可怕的欲望驱使着回到他原先的正常生活……
  • Muhammad Ali as a social phenomenon. Muhammad Ali as a media phenomenon. Muhammad Ali as a political phenomenon, as a force shaping national, racial, and cultural identity – as a vindication of difference, as a means of self-determination, as a revolutionary method, as a mode of rebellion. How many varied things he was…
  • 一个小城的电视台在圣诞节前夕,也是革命纪念日当天准备录制一档关于城市革命记忆的节目。故事从清晨开始,电视台台长正为录制节目而做着准备。其中一位嘉宾玛尼斯古是一位历史老师,刚从宿醉中醒来,随即开始四处借钱补贴薪水,为此他还向昨夜喝醉后辱骂过的华人道歉。另一位嘉宾皮斯科斯,退休后独自生活,邻居来邀请他扮演圣诞老人,他欣然应…