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  • 电影灾难
    2022年9月最热一天的回忆,  一部触动所有人心灵的灾难人间剧!  规模空前的超级台风辛南诺袭击浦项,  韩国基础工业的核心浦项制钢厂受到直接打击。  近50年从未停止炽热燃烧的  钢铁厂面临心脏濒临停止的绝境。  时事教养PD吴允花为了揭开灾难的真相  潜入钢铁厂进行采访…  挽救钢铁厂心脏高炉的最后期限只有一周,  他们…
  • 电影灾难
    Oliver Platt plays Wallace Benton, a journalist for a New York tabloid magazine called the NY Ledger. He works along side his soon to be ex-wife, and various other people, using his journalistic instincts to get the story no matter what it takes. He seems to drink heavily, and he curses, so he's clearly an average guy,…
  • 电影动作
  • A promotional video for Radiohead's 2017 song "Lift."
  • The great white hunter is showing of his collection methods of rare Venusian wildlife - all guns blazing. based on the world of Dr Grordbort by Greg Broadmore.   一趟金星的狩獵探險,布洛德佛斯勛爵獵殺美麗的珍奇異獸,讓祖國收藏更加豐碩,同行的記者小姐卻與他針鋒相對。復古B 級片搬到外星球,對帝國主義和權貴人士極盡揶揄。
  • In May, BBC Two Scotland will show Quintinshill: Britain’s Deadliest Rail Disaster, produced by Finestripe, to mark 100 years since the horrific accident near Gretna which killed more than 200 people.Neil Oliver presents and narrates the s…