搜索 Aida

  • 意大利人民反抗侵略,战争场面拍的相当宏大,各种优美流畅的长镜头,演员表演内敛自然,这部电影标志着意大利的电影人已经掌握了非常娴熟全面的电影技艺,被誉为当时意大利电影的最高成就丝毫不为过
  • A Russian outpost in Eastern Siberia comes under threat of attack by the Japanese in this patriotic film from 1935. Aerograd is a new town with a strategically located airfield of vital interest to the government. Work on the new outpost is complicated when tensions develop between workers and a religious sect. The sec…
  • 他们是地球的骄傲,是史上最强大的超级英雄,他们就是复仇者.无处不在的他们不断地阻止着那些妄图毁灭人类的恶魔们的行动---直到一天,复仇者们在和一个坚不可摧的机器人Ultron的战斗中,几乎全部牺牲.幸存下来的复仇者之一Tony Stark,Torunn,Azari,Pym必须从他们父母跌倒的地方重新开始。很快,鹰眼之子也加入了他们的行列。他们,少年复仇者,的…
  • "Chris Marshall met the girl he was going to kill on a warm night in early June, when of the colleges in Oxford was holding its summer ball." A chance meeting with Jenny at an Oxford party leaves seventeen-year-old Chris with hope for a summer romance - and no premonition of trouble. Busy with his job and soo…
  • 《洗钱计划》讲述了草根一族艰难的创业过程。弗兰克最近陷入了困境,他的网站还没来得及走上正轨,就以失败而告终,这让他和合伙人乔什都破了产。弗兰克被迫搬离自己喜欢的曼哈顿公寓回到父母家居住,乔什也迫不得已寻找新的工作。后来,弗兰克想出了一个新计划来弥补网站的失败。不过会见的第一个潜在投资者亚伯拉姆,似乎更对弗兰克的饮食感兴…
  • 电影
  • VivirParaVivir
    “The body, a space of production, creates structures for a film.”—Laida Lertxundi.
  • 保罗·安德烈亚斯·布雷特纳上校在战争中被迫穿越阿尔及利亚,寻找他的前高级军官:西蒙·德里涅雷斯上校,后者在奥雷斯·内门查失踪,他可能成为叛军手中的一个火药桶
  • When Áila encounters a young Indigenous woman, barefoot and crying in the rain on the side of a busy street, she soon discovers that this young woman, Rosie, has just escaped a violent assault at the hands of her boyfriend. Áila decides to…