搜索 Aida

  • 一群极不情愿来到夏令营的孩子,却遇到了让他们终生难忘的事情,偶然发现的一本恐怖故事书隐藏着极大地秘密,书中的故事只要你读出来就会在现实中发生,而巧合的 是他们到看了僵尸的故事,于是僵尸就真的来了,然后便是 群猴孩子们和僵尸斗智斗勇,一部奇趣无比的迪斯尼电影。
  • 电影喜剧
  • Tunisia, before the revolution. A man on a motorbike, razor blade in hand, prowls the streets of Tunis slashing women's buttocks. They call him The Challat, aka "The Blade", and the mere mention of his name provokes fascination and terror. Is he a lone criminal, an urban legend, or could he be the creation of…
  • Feik
    The story focuses on three young girls whose fates intertwine after a dramatic incident where they believe they have accidentally killed a guy after an attempted rape at a summer party. Each-and-every one of them has their own reasons to keep quiet, as they decide not to tell anyone about the incident.
  • 鲁保罗变装皇后秀第十二季
    与世界上最著名的扮装皇后RuPaul一起,参加橄榄球盛宴的终极竞赛RuPaul的Drag Race的主持人,导师和灵感。 RuPaul扮演双重角色,在所有评判和淘汰赛中都享有至高无上的地位,而RuPaul(男子)则帮助指导参赛者为每次挑战做准备。参赛者包括全美最残酷,最前沿,才华横溢且华丽绝伦的扮装皇后,他们都争夺土地(顶级头饰)的头衔(和头饰)。与我…
  • 锻刀大赛第一季
    FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in the country will come together to put both their skills and reputations on the line. Whether they are making a Japanese katana, a me…
  • 锻刀大赛第五季
  • 约会第二季
  • 北京遇上西雅图
  • 电视剧剧情
    在远离大都会的美琴岛,经济停滞,人口稀少。当地诊所医护力量薄弱,许多年来全靠年过半百的所长村木英次(大友康平 饰)独自支撑,心力憔悴。因担心自己哪一天倒下导致诊所瘫痪,村木所长有意识地寻找接班人,最终他的目光锁定在诊所事务员相川三郎(长谷川博己 饰)的身上。相川拥有外科医生般纤细的手指和沉稳的精准度,在所长的培养下,他终…