搜索 Ailee

  • It has been almost 2 years since the small town of Santa Carla had suffered in the hands of the raging maniac, Cameron Crowe. Legend around town had it as that he may have been burnt in a fire he started. No one expected that he'd ever come back to reek havoc once again. And this time with a vengeance. They're only hop…
  • 都市的法则是继金炳万的丛林法则后第二个法则, 节目将会有关一班艺人去了一个不熟悉的城市当中, 学习自给自足的存活。而第一个城市已经定在纽约, 拍摄于2014年四月开始. 纽约作为全球其中一个最烦忙的城市, 艺人们就要在这儿生存一个人, 并在这儿习惯一切. 这节目的目的就是要展现人们如何在城市中生存著.第一系列已经确定有七位艺人将参与纽约…
  • 艾莲零二年十月接受死刑。但争拗多年来从未终止:精神病患者犯重罪应受死吗?妓女自卫杀人可原谅吗?连环女杀手是否更不得人同情?导演十二年来一直跟艾莲的案件,在纪录片中揭发惊人真相:囚犯认罪只因为厌倦了无止境的审讯,并深信死后会上天堂。这是一部深入精神病患者死囚脑海的纪录,重访她儿时成长的地方,走访她的朋友,尝试用历史的脈络…
  • 电影生活
    早已功成名就的女性神秘小说家莎拉•莫顿(Charlotte Rampling 夏洛特•汉普林 饰)却为新作烦恼不已,在出版商约翰•布兰德(Charles Dance 查理士•当斯 饰)的建议下,她来到约翰的家乡别墅,一面休养,一面寻找灵感。乡间的悠哉生活使莎拉从久居伦敦的疲惫中解脱出来,尽情享受着难得的休闲时光。 某晚,自称约翰女儿的茱莉(Ludivin…
  • 女摔人生第四季
    WWE首款真人秀节目《Total Divas》(中文译名《E门女将》)已在美国开播!这档节目主要记录WWE女子选手在光鲜艺人生活背后的辛苦工作和旅行日程,以及在竞争激烈的职业生涯中并不为人知的故事。
  • 在爱尔兰一个小镇,每月电影会本来要播「十戒」,却误放了宝狄瑞克曲线毕露的「十全十美」,从此镇内的王老五就对美国美女著了迷,朝思暮想约会她们,最后甚至在美国登广告,引诱单身「美」女来镇参加他们的节日舞会。 正当这群王老五悉心打扮,以准备佳人到来,却不知道镇内一群女士不堪被冷落,决意给他们一个十分难忘的「教训」。
  • As the Lich King's zombie legions ravage the world, Marek, a cursed young sorceress, embarks on a quest to obtain a weapon from the gods, with her friend Dagen, ysgou.cc a self-serving half-elf rogue. But when she joins her sworn enemy in a desperate attempt to save the world, she must recover the good in herself befor…
  • 电影恐怖
    Becca, a private investigator, is hired to look into the origins of a viral TikTok Challenge that has haunted and caused the deaths of several people. The deeper she digs into the mystery, the more she realizes there is a very real evil lurking behind the scenes.