- Somewhere in the Indian state of Kerala, a theatre company prepares for its performance during festivities. They arrive early, rehearse their piece, and put the finishing touches to the scenery. This alternates with atmospheric scenes of men rehearsing, singing, and perfecting choreographies at a remote location in nat…
- In the Indian State of Kerala, a number of Communist parties still wield considerable power today. The basis for this was laid in the 1940s and 1950s, when left-wing leaders led an uprising against the oppression of workers and farmers. The divide-and-rule tactics, used by tyrannical bosses, was symbolised particularly…
- The camera stands in a house, the lens pointing through the window, outdoors, where the occupants of the home are standing. They respond patiently to the camera operator’s directions: a small step to the left, a little bit forward, no, back just a bit, yes, that’s perfect. Dozens of people pose in this way for a full m…