搜索 Aja

  • 电影剧情
    Uniforms, morning roll call, order, and discipline determine life at a prestigious boarding school somewhere in the Himalaya’s misty foothills. 16-year-old Jaivardhana isn’t thriving in this authoritarian environment. An opportunity for te…
  • 电影
    Somewhere in the Indian state of Kerala, a theatre company prepares for its performance during festivities. They arrive early, rehearse their piece, and put the finishing touches to the scenery. This alternates with atmospheric scenes of men rehearsing, singing, and perfecting choreographies at a remote location in nat…
  • 电影犯罪
    In the Indian State of Kerala, a number of Communist parties still wield considerable power today. The basis for this was laid in the 1940s and 1950s, when left-wing leaders led an uprising against the oppression of workers and farmers. The divide-and-rule tactics, used by tyrannical bosses, was symbolised particularly…
  • 电影喜剧
    During a dinner party seven friends decide to play a dangerous game. The attendees place their cellphones on the table and agree to make all texts and calls public in an attempt to prove that they have nothing to hide
  • 电影
    The camera stands in a house, the lens pointing through the window, outdoors, where the occupants of the home are standing. They respond patiently to the camera operator’s directions: a small step to the left, a little bit forward, no, back just a bit, yes, that’s perfect. Dozens of people pose in this way for a full m…
  • 电影冒险
    Commando Ali Ex best man of anti-terrorist force takes on a daring mission to eliminate the dreaded Rustam group and its network of ruthless mercenaries in this most entertaining and hard-hitting Actioner.
  • 边缘2011
  • 裸色告白
  • 大逃杀2
    自从七原秋也与中川典子从新世纪教育法(简称BR)中逃出,两年转眼就过去了。人类社会进入了恐怖主义时代!首都在反BR国家的恐怖分子的袭击下,化为一片废墟。政府当局认定凶犯为七原秋也,开始了对其国际通缉。 七原作为反BR组织“wild seven”的精神领袖,对所有成人发出 了宣战通告。成人为了剿灭七原,发起了一个新游戏——BR2。又一个高…
  • 爱情鸡尾酒
    高塔姆(赛尔夫·阿里·汗 Saif Ali Khan 饰)是夜夜流连于欢场之中的花花公子,他的女友维罗妮卡(迪皮卡·帕度柯妮 Deepika Padukone 饰)和他差不多,也是夜店里集万众瞩目于一身的夜场女王。高塔姆的母亲希望儿子能够找一个贤惠又温婉的典型印度女孩结婚,这样后者可以帮他料理家事免除后患,很显然,维罗妮卡并不符合准岳母的要求。 米拉…