搜索 Akash

  • The film is about two lovers Ayesha Verma (Sameera Reddy) and Ajay (Sohail Khan). Ayesha moves to the city and joins the same college Ajay is studying in. Their friendship starts wonderfully, along with the others; Vicky,Sada,Eijaaz and Chhotu (ARYANS), until Ajay and Ayesha fall in love. The rest of the movie is how t…
  • Hindustan (Urdu name for India) used to a vast territory and countries' like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangla Desh, and Bhutan were all it's provinces. All this changed when the British established their rule over India, and promoted their policy of hatred, and division - mainly between the Hindus and the Muslims. Af…
  • After learning a few magical tricks from his fellow inmate former businessman and ex-jail convict assume the identity of an ascetic named Mahaprabhu Jagatsagar Chintamani so that he can easily use these tricks to con the villagers of Dharampur with a motive of acquiring their wealth for himself. His U.S. returned son, …
  • 这部片子围绕着错综复杂的四角关系展开,片名即是主题,四位主人公都在纠结自己究竟该如何选择。安纳德是一位事业有成的商人,他有一位美丽可人的妻子卡维塔和可爱的女儿妮赫,一家三口幸福地生活在一起。他们有一位挚友苏摩,是一位浪漫主义诗人,经常与安纳德一家在一起。苏摩曾在大学期间想要追求卡维塔,但看到卡维塔与安纳德情投意合,便将…
  • A historical romance set in the Mughal Empire. Selima (Enakshi) is a princess-foundling raised by a potter and loved by her brother, Shiraz (Rai). She is abducted and sold as a slave to Prince Khurram, later Emperor Shah Jehan (Roy), who falls for her, to the chagrin of the wily Dalia (Seeta Devi). When Selima is caugh…
  • 独立短篇动画《名侦探哥顿》详情 见 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm433194超シュールアニメその4「名探偵ゴードン」消されてしまったので再うp。お馴染み谷口祟さんの自主製作アニメ。詳しくは【むっちり村】でググってみてください。バーローにも負けない推理力をご覧あれ。* 谷口崇先生公式ページ1985年、福岡県に生まれる。幼少の頃…
  • 《勇士往事》是一部奇幻电影,背景设定在一个虚构的大陆上,讲述了一个9岁女孩为了去打破邪恶女王的暴政,来挽救一个族群的冒险之旅,她在冒险过程中得到了一个盲剑客(Siddharth饰演)的帮助和保护,完成了她史诗般之旅。其中邪恶女王由印度演员Lakshmi Manchu饰演,而Shruti K. Haasan则出演一个美丽的吉普赛女人,她与剑客之间有一段命运般的…
  • 桑吉一直以来为哈欠所困,但他却没想到哈欠所带来的影响,在他终于想到解决方法时,却不幸惹到不该惹的人,让他原本平静的生活无法再平静下去!
  • A young woman gets raped by a group of six vicious thugs, who leave her for dead in the forest. Nine months later, after seeing "I spit on your grave" on TV, she decides to take bloody revenge on her molesters.