搜索 Akov

  • 某医院青年医生伊凡是个热情负责的医生,他发现了医院里有很多问题,提出过很多批评和建议。很快和他的同行和老同学德米特里发生了矛盾,进而发生了激烈的冲突。德米特里是个心术不正、自私自利、向上爬的人。他盗窃同行的科学论文,骗取了硕士学位和副教授职位,破坏新的治疗方法,不惜牺牲病人的终身幸福和生命,来达到自己可耻的目的。此外,…
  • У короля и королевы сказочного королевства родилась принцесса. Злая колдунья, которая обиделась что её не пригласили на праздник дня рождения принцессы, прокляла её. В день…
  • 电影剧情
  • Mystical fantasy of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.Son of a stubborn mayor can not get his father to marry an ordinary Cossack. To help the boys who suddenly comes "evil spirits" ...
  • 电影
    Due to a weather problem a plane from Denmark is forced to land at the Slovene airport. Amongst the passengers, being taken to a hotel in Ljubljana, is a quiet, beautiful young Danish girl Iben . This is how she meets Tina who drives a shuttle as a summer job. They both need each other, but are very careful because one…
  • Geneva, Switzerland 1935. Europe is struggling to be united as one yet the Woodrow- Wilson's idea of a united Europe by the means of the League of Nations is being enforced. American missionaries since the 1920's are trying to introduce the Europeans with the new sport called basketball. The first European Championship…
  • 故事发生在19世纪末欧洲犹太人向巴勒斯坦地区移民的第一次高潮期间。来自俄国的法尼娅和本地犹太人亚奇埃勒之间发生了一段不寻常的爱情故事。17岁的法尼娅带着年幼的女儿、上了年纪的叔叔、智障的弟弟来到了雅法。他们刚刚从一场屠杀中幸存下来。走投无路的法尼娅嫁给了鳏夫亚奇埃勒。亚奇埃勒的妻子死于疟疾,给他留下了两个孩子。亚奇埃勒和法…
  • This is a story about a fantastic world, where magic and miracles are an integral part of a reality. Skilled wizards promote the development of their secret science, while ordinary people can only suspect its existence and the real place that it occupies in their life. The events that the film relates are unleashed by …