搜索 Alda

  • In the Sicily of the late 40's, two brother sculptors, tired of selling madonnas to the local churches, finally realize their dream and set up a Sicilian production company, thanks to the help of a local bishop. They start producing one box-office failure Z-movie after the other, all with terribly bad local non-pros as…
  • 此片可谓布莱特·派柏职业后期的大制作手笔,其预算高达14万美元,影片成本之高,为派柏职业生涯中首屈一指,他自己将其称为“侏罗纪公园”式的巨制。这部影片的剧本十分出色,具有娱乐性,其中诸如怪兽从海中飞翔...
  • STORYある夜、恐悪な集団達によって米軍基地からダイナマイトと機関銃が盗まれた。次の日、マサミ、ノリオ、ジンパチの三人は、仕事をサボってあてもなく車を走らせていた。イライラしてやるせない三人の前方を、チンタラ走る一台のバンがさらにイライラを増幅させる。マサミたちは一気に抜き去り、盛り上がるが、バンは猛スピードで加速してマ…
  • En ocasiones, basta con "cerrar los ojos" para que “La Maldad de las Cosas” venga a visitarnos, al "País de lo Cotidiano". Mediante un flashback continuo, Fátima nos descubre la cotidianeidad de su vida en familia. Esp…
  • based on the acclaimed book written by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, The Final Days chronicles president Richard Nixon's administration during his critical period after the Watergate ...
  • A gay poet heads west from New York City in his convertible. He picks up a muscular sailor who's bisexual; then Jackie, a waitress at a diner, joins them. Jackie is attracted to the poet who rebuffs her romantic gestures; rejection fuels her continued interest in him. The sailor and the poet are bonded by sex, but the …