A family film about Nikki, a half-wolf, half-dog raised in the Yukon during the gold rush era. After being separated from her master, Nikki must fend for herself amidst bears, the harsh Yukon weather, and a trapper who wants her skin.
故事发生在1921年的埃及,一支探险队在法老的坟墓里发现了因霍特(波利斯·卡洛夫 Boris Karloff 饰)的木乃伊。因霍特曾经是一名王子,因为受到了法老的诅咒而遭遇了活活陪葬的悲惨命运。在墓穴中同时被发现的,还有一份神秘的卷轴,在传说中,这卷轴能够赋予死人新的生命。探险队中的一名成员在阴差阳错之下念出了卷轴上的咒语,之后发狂而死…
A rich industrialist frowns upon the relationship between his son Fabrizio and the beautiful Antonella, who poses naked for men mags. But there is nothing to do: despite the fact that the girl is also unfaithful, the young man can't help it.by:www.yuankan.cc