- 西元2001年,人类遭到了地球外起源种(联合国称其为BETA)的侵略,人口数量不断减少,正面临灭亡的危机。为了打破这令人绝望的局面,致力于对BETA进行战斗的人型兵器“战术机”的新型开发是人类眼下的当务之急。日本帝国斯卫军中尉、卫士的黑发美少女篁唯依接到了岩谷中佐下达的特别任务,以日方技术主任身分参加“Prominence计划”,目的地是…
- A talking tugboat and some animals help two little pups find their marooned father.
- Follows the twentysomething hero (the Nephew of original MacGyver) as he leaves school and winds up joining the Phoenix Foundation -- the good-guy organization his uncle belonged to -- on a lark. Once there, he discovers that he's incredibly adept at stepping into Uncle MacGyver's shoes.