搜索 Aleksander

  • 真挚的友情Frik, Kurtz 和 Piki是从小玩到大的好伙伴。三个人一起挣到了人生中的第一笔钱。现在,他们把目标定在第一个百万上。真挚的爱情Erik 和 Kurtz 上小学时就对Dominika 倾心有加。后者在接下来的几年里销声匿迹。如今,她又回来了。一起回来的是Erik 和 Kurtz 对她的依依恋情。真挚的金钱三个聪明的伙伴原本打算利用股票短时间内狠狠赚一…
  • Born into peasantry and hardened by factory labors, Szczesny (Jozef Nowak) has embraced the tenets of communism. Now, the radicalized Polish man gets to experience what that philosophical transition means in the real world when he unexpectedly falls in love. Writer/director Jerzy Kawalerowicz's sensitive follow-up to h…
  • History difficult re-education deprived by the war boys, whose reactionary underground trying to exploit for their own purposes. Five young boys, who are accustomed to the lifestyle of war, can not adapt to the new environment and go in the way criminal.
  • 军乐队的歌唱家乔治,红遍欧洲电台剧院,为列国歌迷追捧,不乏香槟美女围绕。妻子爱丝塔同样多才多艺,却屈于吉普赛人身份,活在丈夫阴影下,对他爱恨交加,终日酗酒解压。最终爱丝塔也以别样的方式永远留在历史画像中。摄影剪接水准成稳,富于内在,展现一出气质忧郁、美仑美奂的俄罗斯风情卷。女主角犹如星星般明亮,台上台下不断上演似曾相识…
  • 故事發生在冰島的房地產狂熱時期,一位加拿大籍的醫學生從患有思覺失調的外婆那裡繼承了一棟老房子。許多房地產開發商都催促她賣掉房子,她收到一條神秘的消息,迫使她調查家族秘辛。她發現了一段隱藏許久的家庭悲劇,外婆的死也存在諸多疑點,但她不知道自己正惹禍上身。
  • 在1994年卢旺达大屠杀中,波兰的鸟类学家安娜救下了图西族少女,带她回到了波兰。但是过去的伤痛无法使两人获得内心平静,她们只好重新回到非洲,寻找过去的回忆……战争残忍,痛感真实。
  • 电影剧情
    After a robbery gone bad, Aaron barricades himself in a rest stop bathroom triggering a stand off with the police.
  • For the first time in Albania, a new law allows sex for married couples inside a prison in Tirana. Once a month, Elsa embarks on a long bus trip to visit her husband behind bars for gambling debts. Shpetim shares this monthly event: his wife has been locked up as well. Elsa and Shpetim get to know each other from their…
  • A look at the lives of people who work on the barges and boats flowing across the Vistula River.