- A big, colorful tapestry about rumors that are in all of the previous UFO movies. A loose story line that weaves in and out of the UFO phenomenon.1986, VHS, color/so, 46m
- Young girl loses her father and must live with her uncle and abusive aunt in 1890's Kansas, where she searches for faith and acceptance.
- On a dark and stormy night, Tom and Jerry, two ambitious cab drivers, wait outside a train station for fares. When two strange men in top hats disembark from their train, the hacks solicit them until they give in and ask for a ride to their castle. When the men stiff the fare, Tom and Jerry pursue them, only to be trap…
- 美丽的 Karis 一晚在酒吧遇见了风流倜傥的 Lars 并带他回家共度了翻云覆雨的疯狂一夜, 次日早晨却发现她当警察的嫉妒的前夫已等在厨房中. 当 Karis 的一位朋友 Simon 也掉进这趟浑水后,情况变得愈加复杂. 她计划令三个男人彼此争斗,但却事与愿违, 这出关于欲望、痴迷和报复的影片结局又将如何呢...
- This feature drama tells the story of Tom Paradise, a young 40-something refusing to grow up. Behind the wheel of his bus, he drives endlessly through the city dreaming of the landscape of the American West that forever impressed him. In love with freedom and Jack Kerouac's On the Road, he resists all the sensible peop…