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  • 美国海军海之虎号潜艇即将退役,海军少将雪曼早早地来到潜艇上,翻看航海日志。看着自己当年的记录,昔日情景仍历历在目。将军思绪万千,浮想联翩…….   太平洋战争初期,美国海军在东南亚步步退守。海之虎号潜艇在港口几乎被日军飞机炸沉,雪曼艇长(卡里·格兰特饰)的任务是在两周之内完成平时需要两个月才能做完的事——把完全失去航行和…
  • 一部老式的群戏喜闹剧,但演员配搭精彩,节奏处理轻快流畅,仍然令人看得开怀。编导斯坦利.塔西身兼男主角,他和奥利弗.普拉特饰演一对失业的演员,因为开罪了酗酒的大明星阿尔佛德.莫连纳,被他扬言追杀,所以逃跑到一艘豪华邮轮上当偷渡客。不料明星也追上了这艘船上,而船上载有多名古怪的乘客,包括一名具有自杀倾向的歌手,和一名计划要…
  • 电影剧情
    当国际著名画家墨客(郑晓东 饰)先生宣布将自己的油画作品“飘落的羽毛”所拍得的巨额画款全部捐给西南边陲小镇勐缅时,同仁们对此充满了好奇和不解。二十年前,尚未成名的画家墨客路过勐缅时,不仅被当地的美景所吸引,而且喜欢上了头上插着孔雀翎的美丽女孩婻锁(刘筱筱 饰)……..本片入围2013年蒙特利尔电影节首部长片国际竞赛单元。
  • 电影爱情
  • Remo Guerra is a policeman with a double life, who at night with a group of thugs, who he occasionally meets in bars, raids rich people's houses in Rome. Because of his hate for discipline he is soon dismissed from the force and he can continue his criminal life full time. One night he gets arrested and spends 3 years …
  • In Nigeria, to be a twin can be a blessing or a curse. The father of O is the village chief, a witch doctor who believes in the curse of twins. One day, this witch doctor tried to kill his two sons during a ritual ceremony: O managed to escape but saw his brother being murdered. Having fled across his country, he succe…
  • 电影剧情
  • Joyce Barnaby discovers one of her fellow outdoor art class students, Ruth Fairfax murdered and husband Tom, assisted by DS Troy, has yet another case to solve. Fairfax presented herself as an elderly resident and she always insisted on sitting in exactly the same spot in the village green. Imagine the investigators su…
  • In Oklahoma, several farmers, cowboys and a traveling salesman compete for the romantic favors of various local ladies.