搜索 Allison

  • A group of teens and a veteran surfer take a road trip from Ventura, CA to the San Fernando Valley in order to track down a prized stolen surfboard.
  • Wrestling with God is the true story of Alexander Campbell, a man whose conscience came into conflict with the accepted religious precepts of his time, and the struggle and resentment he endured as a result. Campbell challenged the man-made doctrines of religious organizations to find his own form of personal faith. As…
  • 电影犯罪
    马克·沃尔伯格将与凯文·哈特携手,主演Netflix喜剧新片[唯我独尊](Me Time,暂译)。还记得令哈特一飞冲天的北美大卖作品[夜校]吗?其编剧约翰·汉博格将自编自导这部喜剧新片。影片将围绕全职奶爸(哈特饰)展开,当某天他的妻子和孩子决定远行,这位奶爸突然发现原来也会有专属于自己的时间。他随即与以往最好的朋友(沃尔伯格饰)重新建立联系…
  • A psychic named Quintus Ratcliff (Val Dufour) sends a woman (Pamela Duncan) back in time to find out about her past-life experiences. She goes back as Helene, a woman from the Middle Ages who is to die at dawn under suspicion of being a witch.[2] In an attempt to save Diana and keep all of time from being distorted, Qu…
  • A team of scientists visit an unknown planet in hopes of finding a new, safe, world. Instead they find a mutated species that turns the expedition deadly. Written by Unknown
  • 风流倜傥的美国人杰克(John Sibbit 约翰•斯比特 饰)邂逅美丽迷人的巴黎女郎苏西(Marie-France 麦瑞•弗朗斯 饰),两人共渡激情一夜。清晨醒来,苏西不辞而别,并卷走捷克的钱财,只留下写有留言的香烟盒。倒霉的杰克用兜里仅有的钱来到法国南部,与女商Brigid(Josephine Jacqueline Jones 饰)一夜风流。随后香烟盒经女商之手又来…
  • Shot in stunning black and white, with scenes that could be outtakes from some surreal haute-couture photo shoot, Phantom Love might just be the most beautiful film of the year. Looks aren't everything, however, and this is no hollow aesthetic exercise. As we follow alienated protagonist Lulu (Marina Shoif) on an impro…
  • Jeff Garlin's documentary on the work of John Waters.