- A group of white trash rednecks toy with their victims by giving them a 10 second head-start before they hunt them down.
- 早自远古时期,人类便被智商远在他们之上的神秘超能力集团“Blessed”所操纵。他们深藏黑暗之处,不着痕迹地左右着人类乃至地球的历史,在世界各处制造祸端与危机。当然人类中不乏有识之士,早已意识到Blessed的存在和危险。这一日,女记者露西·达芬波特来到美国德克萨斯州, 拜访了住在那里的再造人岛村乔(河本启佑 配音)及其伙伴们。在Bl…
- 石ノ森章太郎の代表作『サイボーグ009』を神山健治総監督、柿本広大監督でフル3DCGアニメーション化。国連軍ガーディアンズ設立以来、静かな隠遁生活を送っていた009こと島村ジョーをはじめとするゼロゼロナンバーサイボーグたちが、正体不明の異能者集団“ブレスド”の陰謀に立ち向かうべく新たな戦いへと身を投じていくさまを全3章で描く…
- Cherry Healey and Simon Lycett tell the story of how the flowers we buy travel across the world via Aalsmeer Flower Auction in Holland to reach us every day in pristine condition. We reach for flowers to express...
- Halloween is almost here and George can't wait for the festivities to begin: carving pumpkins, costume contests, and especially the Annual Boo Festival. Eager to get the festivities started, George and Allie visit Renkins' Farm to pick out the perfect pumpkin. There, they are told the spooky tale of the Legend of No No…