- The Ealing Club, dubbed ‘the cradle of British rock’ (Mojo), was a dingy, smoky, concrete-floored basement barely mentioned in music history books, and it would last only three years. However, its pivotal role in fostering a golden generat…
- 椿的身影消失,取回平稳的日子后没过多久——突然,街上下起了不合季节的雪。 想到这一异常气象说不定与吸血鬼有关的真昼,也为了集合主人们,而对“色欲”的主人·有栖院御园说起此事。 但,他从御园那里得到了“由于现在自己无法行动,因此之后再会合”这种难得的含糊不清的回答。 随后,在由于之后没能与御园取得联络而感到担心…
- RS and Chico bring their friend Fabio to a clinic to help with his paranoia. Along the way, they meet three beautiful young women who change the course of their lives.