- 跨齡差距的結伴青春旅行 走訪在地文化行銷台灣! 全台唯一!跨世代明星旅遊實境節目! 節目透過2位花甲明星 2位少年偶像,以明星自由行為基底衍生出的旅程,讓景點更添加了故事性與生命力!有關規劃的景點與推薦的美食都注入明星們的觀點,令節目充滿想像力! 世代差異的旅遊個性,激盪出充滿意外行的實境自助旅行,旅程中將透過半記錄式的拍攝…
- 這是一部家庭電影,體現家庭的重要性。家是一個滋養的環境,家人在此相聚並分享彼此的生活,細微的舉動和互動透露出彼此之間的愛與支持,反思日常生活中那些微妙但重要的愛的時刻,當我們觀察和反思時,才能發現並珍惜這些時刻的重要性。
- When parents can no longer fulfil their duty of care, the children’s world often falls apart. Nothing stays as it was. Suddenly it is no longer mum or dad who are in charge but the youth welfare system. Daniel Abma followed a youth housing…
- According to recent findings in astrophysics, the universe is structured as a four-dimensional web-like network. Yet similar structures are created by organisms many times smaller – known as slime mold. Can the parallel between the realms of biology and physics help us understand the mystery of our changing and intrica…