搜索 Amri

  • Hello... is a tale about the events that happen one night at a call center. Told through the views of the protagonist, Shyam, it is a story of almost lost love, thwarted ambitions, absence of family affection, pressures of a patriarchal set up, and the work environment of a globalized office. Shyam is losing his girl f…
  • 电影战争
    内战连绵多年之后,一名尼泊尔共产党员终于收拾行囊,带著路上巧遇的孤儿返回偏远家乡,好为甫逝世的父亲奔丧。他的亲兄弟在内战中投入了敌对阵营,水火不容的两人只好约定暂时休战;妻子则生下了其他男人的女儿,小女孩却以为他才是自己的亲生父亲。在抬着遗体下山火葬的这趟险峻路程中,隐忍已久的对立衝突终于全面爆发。  导演将延烧十年的…
  • 家庭、工作单位、莎丽店,女主角就过着这样三点一线的生活。丈夫获得了去爱尔兰工作的机会,打破了这平静的生活。。。。
  • 年轻的印度舞者为了筹款组队代表印度参加国际街舞大赛,向银行贷款部栩栩如生地讲述了他在英国临时组队,带领怀揣舞蹈梦想的各色亚裔青年,在英国街舞比赛中战胜傲慢的往届全英冠军队,并在此过程中更好地认知了自己,建立了友谊,并找到了爱情的故事。
  • 电影音乐
  • 故事围绕阿尔沙德·瓦尔斯和他即将在德里按照典型印度风格办理隆重婚礼的堂弟阿卡什·乔普拉之间展开。阿卡什的堂哥和三个婶婶都来教阿卡什如何才能拥有幸福的婚姻。阿卡什给堂弟传授所谓的经验“如果要拥有幸福的婚姻,一定要背叛自己的妻子…”,结果一场婚礼闹剧因此而展开。
  • A romantic road trip to South Tyrol to relive the parents’ honeymoon with the whole family is totally out of character for Sune’s thrifty dad... except that he mysteriously brings along a painting to make the trip much more than worthwhile…
    This TV miniseries ("Darkness" in English) became famous in India in the mid/late 80s for its realistic depiction of the partition of the Indian subcontinent. In 1947, the sub continent became India, East (now Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (today's Pakistan). The series pretended to keep memories and truths a…
  • A detached university student faces the consequences of astral projection when he uses it to reconnect with his dead mother.