搜索 Anan

  • Mala is the daughter of Kishanlal who works as a servant with a wealthy family. One day Mala meets with the owner of this family, who is so impressed with Mala that he asks for her hand in marriage for his fourth son, Gopal, which Kishanlal humbly accepts. As a result Mala gets married to Gopal, and moves in to their p…
  • Bhavna is a story of a less privileged women. A lady who was living all alone in the city met a man named Ajay Kapoor in a garden, sketching. They became friends and later on friendship turned into love. Eventually they got married, however, Kapoor's dad had not granted permission for this marriage. After bearing a fin…
  • 一个公道的警察阿穆尔的家人突然被犯罪分子杀光了,而阿穆尔幸运地被救。阿穆尔昏迷着整整五年后,突然醒过来了。但正是犯罪分子也知道了阿穆尔还没死,就派一个杀手想悲剧重现。最后阿穆尔消灭了所有的犯规分子。
  • 180?180?这是个什么数字?在美国当医生的Ajay在新婚不久后便得知自己得了癌症,痛苦的他无法面对妻子,精神状况越来越差,脾气越来越暴躁。在彼此不断的冲突下,让他下定决心诈死以求解脱。无处可去的Ajay到了印度,在恒河旁边遇到了一个小孩Mano,小孩的天真点醒了他,于是他在印度住了下来,并且用Mano这个名字开始了他为时不多的人生。然而…
  • Kamini and Vinod have been married for 18 years. Vinod has been aware that he has not been devoting enough time for Kamini and to make it up he decides to take her up to Mauritius to celebrate their wedding anniversary. She is to leave from Mumbai and he from London, returning from their respective business trips. Howe…
  • Professor Vidyashankar Pandey gets employed as a lecturer in a college and relocates to Bombay. His family, - his wife, and a young son, Surya, move to a chawl in South Bombay. Vidyashankar notices that the area and the community is being controlled by notorious gangster, Raja, and his men, and does not want this to im…
  • Graham William Walker, known by his stage name Graham Norton (born 4 April 1963),www. aiyoutv.com is an Irish comic presenter. based in the United Kingdom, he is the host of comedy chat show The Graham Norton Show. Previously shown on BBC Two, it took the prestigious Friday night slot on BBC One from Jonathan Ross in 2…
  • 银行经理凯拉什·纳特(Kailash Nath)和银行监督员尚卡尔·达亚尔·库拉纳(Shankar Dayal Khurana)是朋友。Kailash让他的儿子Kishan嫁给Dayal的女儿Sanam。不幸的是,婚礼后,卡伊拉什遭遇车祸,被认为已经死亡;但在现实中幸存下来,被逮捕,并被判长期监禁,罪名是从银行盗窃巨额资金。在服刑数年后,Kailash发现了Dayal是如何诬陷…