Mumbai Mirror is a cop-drama film, which with its unique screenplay that also manages to fall in the genres of suspense and action. The protagonist of the film is Abhijeet Patil, a police officer; and the film revolves around the rise and falls of his life.
Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu (Telugu: కెమెరామెన్ గంగతో రాంబాబు) is a 2012 Telugu film written and directed by Puri Jagannath. The film stars Pawan Kalyan and Tamanna in the lead roles and was launched in Hyderabad on March 14, 2012…
阿斯兰(提穆尔·艾达贝科夫 Timur Aidarbekov 饰)是一位心思细腻的13岁男孩,在一次体检中,他不幸在全班同学面前闹了笑话,这给阿斯兰的精神带来了巨大的打击,崩溃之中的阿斯兰爆发出了隐藏多年的潜在人格,摇身一变成为了控制狂。一直以来,阿斯兰和祖母过着相依为命的生活,他精神方面的障碍让本就不富裕的家庭雪上加霜。博拉特(阿斯兰·…