- 希瑞和希曼的小助手奥克在一次间谍卫星测试中意外被传送到了地球。在邓肯武士等伙伴们的帮助下,奥克返回了埃坦尼亚星球,同时也带回了两个地球上的孩子爱丽莎和米格尔,此时正是地球上的圣诞节假期,孩子们自然对圣诞节充满了无比期待,但这饱含圣诞精神的气氛却让霍德王感到厌恶,他命令霍达克和骷髅王前来抓捕两个孩子。希瑞和希曼的力量能阻…
- Gordon Buchanan travels to three remote tribes to learn the wildlife secrets of people who live alongside the iconic and dangerous animals we fear the most.
- David Letterman journeys to Kyiv, Ukraine, for a stirring, personal and in-depth conversation with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
- On an outback farm that's seen hard times, a single mum and her three kids struggle to keep their life together. With Dad recently passed away and Mum slowly losing the plot, it is 14-year-old Hazel who shoulders the burden, managing the failing farm and keeping her younger siblings from careering completely off the ra…
- 故事发生在1994年的北海道,鹿野靖明(大泉洋 饰)患有罕见的肌肉萎缩症,全身上下只有头部和手部能够活动,可即便如此,鹿野仍然向往着自由的生活。他擅自决定离开医院这座如同监狱一样的处所,在大批的志愿者的帮助下,鹿野如愿以偿的过上了理想中的不受束缚的生活,但他似乎有些过于的不受束缚了,因而总是会提出类似于“半夜想吃香蕉”这样…