- IDFA DocLab Competition for Immersive Non-Fiction In the past five years, over a thousand people in Iran, Bangladesh, and Chile were blinded by state violence. Speechless Witness of a Wandering Tree aims to emphasize the phenomenon of deliberate blinding as an act of oppression by rulers throughout history. The narrat…
- 该纪录片将带观众深入探索《流浪地球2》的幕后世界:导演、制片人、美术及特效团队等电影核心主创将亲自讲述这部科幻巨制的制作过程与他们的心路历程,观众将看到他们在追求电影艺术极致的同时,如何推动中国电影工业化进程、为中国科幻电影的未来开辟新道路。 此外,纪录片还特别邀请了中国知名科幻学者、作家回顾中国科幻的发展历程——从…
- Being married to a doctor, sobriety struggles, fertility issues, and wondering why spouses always murder each other, Mo Mandel’s 3rd special is personal, raw, and hilarious. Recorded in Phoenix in the dead of summer, while inexplicably wea…