搜索 Andra

  • 电影生活
  • After blooming with her new tv show, Dona Hermínia must deal with the problems of her grown up kids as she realizes they are Leaving home. In the middle, she must face the struggles of being a grandmother and her sister who's returning to …
  • En plena guerra, en 1973, Diminga atraviesa la sabana con un grupo de combatientes para reunirse con su marido, Sako, en el frente. En su ruta hacia el frente se revelan los estragos de cinco siglos de colonialismo, mientras que el camino de regreso a casa se desarrolla en medio de la alegría de la libertad recientemen…
  • Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…
  • 电视剧惊悚
  • The Black Gloves tells the story of a psychologist obsessed with the disappearance of his young patient, and the menacing owl-headed figure that plagued her nightmares. His investigations lead him to a reclusive ballerina who, just like his patient, is convinced that she is about to die at the hands of this disturbing …
  • 本片是波兰女导演雅库波夫斯卡(1907-1998)根据个人在奥斯维辛的经历改编的电影,也是最早记录大屠杀的电影作品之一,由于拍摄年份较早,电影大部分是在奥斯维辛被毁改建纪念馆之前实地拍摄。雅库波夫斯卡也在其中加入了自己的电影语言。本片荣获首届卡罗维发利电影节最佳影片奖,并获1950年英国电影学院奖最佳影片提名。
  • 送进洗衣店的衣服再肮葬,离开时总洁白如新。但人生呢?更生人阿杰假释出狱,洗衣店是他人生的新一站,洗衣店老板的姪女小绮则患有小儿痲痺,他们其中一个被困在身体裡,另一个总无法忘记过去,除了呼吸的自由,他们将拥有什麽?