搜索 Andres

  • 1950年的世界杯,东道主巴西队在淘汰赛头两轮发挥出色,7比1狂扫瑞典、6比1大虐西班牙,7月16日的最后1轮,巴西同乌拉圭交锋,这实际上成为了决定冠军归属的“决赛”,此前乌拉圭1胜1平,巴西只要战平就可夺魁,但在马拉卡纳17万4千名观众的注视下,世界杯历史上的又一惊天冷门诞生,乌拉圭2比1逆转获胜抢走冠军,巴西功败垂成,甚至有数名巴西…
  • Frank Clayton, having abandoned his wife (Rachel) and child (Sam), has for the last ten years been living exclusively for himself. Working hard, drinking hard and womanising, Frank looks after number one. He has little to no relationship with his teenage son and socialises almost exclusively with his misogynist boss (B…
  • 一位中东的国王被放逐之后,逃到墨西哥湾的度假圣地,其私人所乘坐的游艇,忽然爆炸而沉没,没有人知道原因。谣传在该游艇上有万千的宝藏,还藏有更大的祕密,不但惊动墨西哥政府的军队介入,还包括CIA、KGB ..等,全世界情治单位的注意,派员前往调查,究竟游艇上藏有什麼秘密呢......?
  • When an opera singer loses her voice, her husband embarks on an odyssey through Miami's dark underworld to recover it through supernatural means.
  • 电影记录
  • Greg Rosen is an Ivy League grad with an MBA and a huge chip on his shoulder. A life on the fast track landed him a high-paying job in Miami's financial district - all part of the 'plan'. Cue the recession...Greg loses it all: his job, his car, his condo, his girlfriend and his self respect. Flat broke, unemployable an…
  • Adolescent and from a modest neighborhood, Ana has spent her years in front of a sewing machine, working to support her two younger brothers and silently enduring the abuse of a pervert stepfather and an indifferent mother. Her hearing impairment has made marginalized her in a world that refuses to listen to her, becom…
  • Following the underhanded murder of Pancho Villa on the outskirts of Parral, Chihuahua , the whole city mourned his death. The wake for the revolutionary hero was held by his closest collaborators. Standing out among the mourners were the four women with whom Villa was having intimate relationships at the time of his d…