- Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division of Poland under Russia, Prussia, and Aus…
- W 2019 roku ponownie zrobiło się o niej głośno – decyzja dyrektora Muzeum Narodowego o ocenzurowaniu jej prac wywołała falę protestów. Ale sztuka Natalii LL już w latach 60. budziła kontrowersje. W swojej twórczości nie bała się pokazy…
- 波兰首部3D片《华沙保卫战》将于9月23日上映。该片反映了1920年波兰人民抵抗苏联红军入侵的著名战役,造价约830万美元,是波兰史上投入最高的影片之一。夹在世界上两个最好战的大国德国与俄罗斯中间的波兰俗称欧洲“垫脚布”——谁出门都要踩上一脚。正是一个多灾多难的国家对历史有种特殊的偏好,广从电影票房上来看,波兰史上最为卖座的四部影…
- Mika arrives in Poland to pay a hospital visit to her father, who is suffering from severe brain injury and memory loss. It's the first time they have met in many years, yet her father thinks they still live together and she's a teenager. For a brief time Mika becomes her father's companion in his befuddlement gently g…