- The Hunt for Planet B follows a diverse group of scientists on a quest to find another Earth among the stars. From the hi-bays of NASA to the edge of the universe and the bottom of the sea, the film offers a way to see our own planet with new eyes
- Cara and Ben book the Clara Lake chalet and head back to where their romance began for a small, intimate wedding with friends and family.
- In a painstaking and dedicated effort to “never forget,” a group of committed young conservators preserves fragile artifacts that ensure the permanence of Holocaust remembrance and honor those killed at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
- 故事背景是德尔·托罗在其《天外三侠:世外桃源的传说》三部曲中创造的世界。阿卡狄亚看似是一个普通的小镇,但它位于魔法和神秘线的中心,这使得它成为巨怪、外星人和巫师等异界生物之间许多战斗的枢纽。现在,他们必须联手与奥术团作战,以争夺对束缚他们所有人的魔法的控制权。