- 05年波哥大拉美电影节最佳纪录片。A river of tears will tear you apart. The director of this little unpretentious documentary takes a Michael Mooresque approach towards denouncing injustice in Chile. The unfair treatment received by Mapuches "a…
- 巴里是一家喜剧俱乐部的演员,每天都要为讨好大批爱好不同、品位不一的客人而绞尽脑汁,但最终还是被苛刻的老板炒了鱿鱼。从小便目睹父亲在一大堆女人之间周旋,因此长大后的巴里也对和众多女人交往、逢场作戏的事情乐此不疲,直到他遇到了西娅。西娅是一名在校的大学生,同时她还是一个慈善组织的志愿者,西娅的热情和干练深深地吸引了巴里。一…
- When she was 17 years old, Natalia married Married Don Matias, following her parents desires. But it wasnt until father Santiago arrive to this little town that Natalia felt in love for the very first time.