搜索 Anett

  • In order to avoid an arranged marriage with a man she doesn't love, Sarah Millick runs off to Vienna with her music teacher, Carl Linden, whom she does love. They are married. In Vienna, they struggle to make a living by making music. Carl writes an operetta and tries to get it produced. They are helped along by Vienne…
  • Noor wants to be a Man. To survive he has chosen to work in a truck repair and garnishment center in a small town in the South of Pakistan. He mostly looks like a woman: almond-shaped eyes, hairless face, and long hair... Consequently, many mistreat him: the boss, Malik, only gives him thankless tasks the truck drivers…
  • Satché is about to die. He decides to make his last day on this world the day of his life.
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影生活
    安立奎和罗莎两兄妹,危地马拉人。二人为了躲避迫害,从家乡逃往北方。他们怀揣着过上新生活的梦想,穿过墨西哥来到美国。这本是每天都会发生的故事,但在格雷戈里·纳瓦(Gregory Nava)这部划时代意义的《北方》之前,越境到美国的移民的个人痛苦,却从未以迫切需要的人道主义关怀 精神,呈现在电影里。本片是一部充满梦幻般影像的社会现实主…
  • Netflix原创电影,描述来自布鲁克林的青少女住在寄养家庭多年的经验使她变得更加坚强。她知道若要回到疏远的父亲身边,唯一的方法就是与男子展开摔角
  • 一艘小型巡逻艇地在法国海岸附近登陆,其目的是在诺曼底d日登陆前,消灭一个纳粹德国内陆通讯中心,为盟军突击队袭击准备......然而当他们即将靠近法国海岸南部时,却遭到伏击。于是一场生死决战拉开了序幕。美国海军必须在二十四小时之内突破敌人的封锁圈,以控制通讯设施,否则后果将不堪设想····
  • 电影动作
  • 一群大学生,在被一名残酷无情的白人奴隶贩子绑架后,饱受摧残,在试图逃跑后,导致了更加恐怖和致命的后果。。。
  • Mary Hale (a singer) and Jimmy Seymour (pianist/composer), are a show biz couple working in The Big Apple in small night clubs hoping to hit it big. One night, Larry Bryant (a Broadway producer) spots Mary and is taken with her beauty and golden voice. Larry Bryant asks her to audition for Mr. Collier and have Jimmy ac…