- [1]费城黑帮[2]波士顿黑帮[3]伦敦黑帮[4]洛杉矶黑帮[5]芝加哥黑帮[6]布鲁克林黑帮[7]旧金山黑帮[8]墨西哥毒帮之祸[9]纽约黑帮[10]拉斯维加斯黑帮[11]迈阿密风云[12]蒙特利尔黑帮数人大佬接连遇害,费城黑帮四分五裂。新生代一路杀上权力宝座,摇身一变,成为公民榜样。警方线人深入虎穴,双重身份进退两难。为您揭开黑…
- If you are fan of Ed Wood´s work, You will love Juan Orol´s doings. This movie must have the worst script ever. It is bad, but it´s great for fun: so absurd, such stupid dialogues and with a huge lack of sense. A truly mexican cult classi…
- Part groovy Italian exploitation and part gangster movie, about the only enjoyable part of this movie is studying the young Klaus Kinski. I suppose this was made before Klaus became unbearable to work with due to the fact this was one of eight movies he made in 1969 alone. He's young, strong, and takes direction well. …