- Il film analizza la nascita e gli sviluppi del movimento femminista nell'Italia degli anni settanta, attraverso i diari e le vicende intime di tre donne cresciute in ambienti sociali e culturali diversi fra loro. La narrazione, realizzata attraverso tre voci narranti che rappresentano le scrittrici dei diari, è inframe…
- Der Schimmelreiter is based on Theodor Storms novella of the same title. It's about dyke reeve Hauke Haien, who tries to improve the dykes with the help of modern science, but has to fight his superstitious neighbours who suspect him to have a pact with the devil…Storms novella was the last thing he finished before his…
- Crocodile-men, a mystic river, some kids that like fishing and a war that ends share the same Colombian land; Bojaya. In this place, villagers have strange beliefs and celebrate the "Novenario" death ritual. This might be the beginning of a very long story, where spirits and humans meet each other to learn wh…