搜索 Annika

  • 8 个闺蜜喜欢一起购物,买些光鲜华丽的锦衣珠宝,她们对洋娃娃之类的东西没有半点兴趣。她们是典型的朋克小妞,最喜欢去青年俱乐部,即使里面多是些愚蠢之徒。而后,她们之间一系列相互之间的羞辱责骂差点让这个小团体散伙,但经过热烈的讨论,她们决定团结起来。俱乐部一年一度的夏季派对就要来了,复仇的焰火熊熊燃烧。
  • Gwen, a musician with a growing paranoia disorder, returns to her hometown after a traumatic event. Diverting their emotional issues with a strange and unholy discovery, she and her friends begin to deteriorate the fabric of the universe.
  • 珍妮在处理未发送信件部门工作,读到莉莉写给去世的妈妈的信,了解到莉莉生活与学习方面的问题,非常同情莉莉决定帮助她...
  • 故事改编自同名的瑞典语小说。Desirée是一个小城的图书馆管理员。她喜欢读书,喜欢sushi,喜欢espresso,向往小资情调的生活。她的前夫在车祸中不幸丧生之后,她便经常会去墓地,坐在一条长椅上消磨时间。Benny是一个简单的农民,家里养着24头大奶牛。Benny父母双亡,所以他每天都早早起床独自照看着一个大农场,有空的时候就会来墓地看望他的…
  • Axel (Richy Müller) and Karla (Laura Tonke) are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son's bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of t…
  • 花样木兰
    Jitree had lots of gambling debts, so she wanted her step-daughter, Taddao, to marry the much older Prince Wattana, for money.Prince Yodkwa n, AKA Jao (Prince) Noi, Prince Wattana's son, just came back from studying abroad. When he found out that his father plans to marry a young girl, he was very upset. So, he left th…
  • 电影剧情