搜索 Anselmo

  • The innocent brothers are wrongly accused of a crime by a corrupt and violent police officers and are forced to face the injustices of the brazilian penal system. This drama of two brothers falsely accused of robbery and murder is based on an actual incident. The miscarriage of justice begins when an honest man with lo…
  • 依然是Vera Cruz Studios出品的爱情经典,本片由Anselmo Duarte担任主演。影片获得1954年德国柏林国际电影节城市特别奖。In 19th century Brazil, young people in the State of Sao Paulo fight against black slavery and the farmers who support it. Against this backdrop, …
  • 米奇妙妙屋第一季
    米奇(韦恩·艾尔温 Wayne Allwine 配音)的世界多么神奇,要进这里也很容易,只要念下咒语“米斯卡,木斯卡,米老鼠(Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!)”,闪着美丽光芒的妙妙屋就会拔地而起。在这里,我们将见到米奇的好朋友:聒噪的唐老鸭(Tony Anselmo 配音)、傻乎乎的高菲(Bill Farmer 配音)、憨直的布鲁托、美丽温柔的米妮(露…
  • 如何改变你的心智
  • Once in a Blue Moon, a single character comes along and makes the whole world laugh. From the moment Mickey Mouse appeared on the big screen whistling on a steamboat, Walt Disney's endearing little mouse captured hearts and tickled bones. And he hasn't stopped. Now, in celebration of the world's most famous and best-lo…
  • A gang, leaded by the unknown and mysterious Anjo, robs a jewelry and schedules a meeting in the Copacabana Palace Hotel, in Copacabana. The identification would be through a cigarette case with an angel, and the password "- Is everything all right?" Meanwhile, the director Ricardo is preparing a show for the…
  • 意大利显赫贵族之家,安赫洛伯爵将军的长子卡洛斯在西班牙暂逗留期间爱上厂平民歌女埃莱娜,并秘密举行了婚礼,打算返回意大利后告诉父亲,不料飞机失事而身亡。埃莱娜生下一女取名玛丽索尔。母女相依为命,艰难度日,性倩孤傲的安赫洛将军坚决反对儿子的这桩婚事。拒绝承认孙女玛丽索尔。但孤独的生活使他改变了初衷,同意让次子巴浦洛把她接到…
  • 本片是巴西名导Anselmo Duarte的首部长片,后来他曾凭借1962年的《承诺》打开了巴西新浪潮通往世界的大门并获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名和嘎纳金棕榈奖。但早在57年的这部处女作中他就已经展示出非凡的创造力了,本片被看成是对50年代巴西人生活各面的完美展现。YOUTUBE片段:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O--6cuRMZacA…
  • 电影历史