搜索 Ant

  • Jeremy O'Reilly - the malicious, self-important presenter of a TV news show - has returned to further demolish the reputation of a disheveled bunch of East End locals as part of his 'Clean Up Britain' crusade. However, an unexpected turn ensues as the local's play a mischievous prank that goes horribly wrong and culmin…
  • 电影动作
  • 当他的女朋友被迫嫁给另一个男人时, 一个陷入困境的年轻外科医生开始自我毁灭。
  • Mowgli who is in search of the legendary creature, the Giant Claw. Along the way, he discovers the evil plan of Shere Khan and must race against time to stop it to save a friend.
  • 导演Anthony Falleroni描绘了一个历尽了艰难才过了第一关的游戏角色。在这个过程中它拒绝了高级玩家的帮助,无视了降低难度的辅助性福利。一门心思靠自己度过了难关。像素艺术风格,欢乐的游戏配乐,都为这个故事增色不少。
  • When Blitzen announces his retirement on December 21st, a miniature horse has 3 days to fulfill his lifelong dream of earning a spot on Santa's team at the North Pole try-outs.
  • 描述印尼某城市小市民,不分种族和信仰,彼此间互助友爱,男女之间基于真正的爱情结为异族夫妇,同甘共苦,彼此之间的亲友能够接受他们
  • How long is your list of lovers, and what have they taught you about life? Facing a life changing event Josh Bronstein creates his list of all of his lovers. From X-Wives to current girlfriends this vivid story follows his wacky relationships. Nothing is off limits as Josh uses the list to explore his greatest losses a…
  • 电影生活
    奧馬爾在倫敦過着富裕生活,還有一年就大學畢業,一 切看似安好。然後忽然一天感召來了,他無法再忍受波斯尼亞大批穆斯林被虐殺的報道和影像,要做點什麼改變世界。真人真事改編,呈現恐怖份子的成魔歷程;不從英美主流角度去看,也不全循伊斯蘭觀點,究竟可以折射出一幅怎樣的圖像?觀眾跟隨攝影機見證奧馬爾在巴基斯坦山區受訓,在新德里綁架…